Multitasking (Or a Feb. Write-A-Thon Update)

Curse you grad school!

I truly value the power of education and I am a nerdy girl who LOVES learning new things. I love learning about diseases and what is wrong with health in our country. It is my hope that one day, my little voice will help shed some light of some preventable health issues and give people longer lives.

But this month – I am at odds with my educational obligations.

I want to write, revise, and repeat. I want to wholeheartedly participate in Ashley Farley’s Feb. Write-A-Thon ( I was in the midst of revisions on another MS and heard about this event. My mind started ticking, my hands started outlining, and man I am LOVING what is being put on paper – when things get put on paper.

As per the usual with me and writing – life happens. Earlier this month, everyone in my house was sick so I was taking care of them. By midweek I was sick, and had 2 papers due. From that point on, I have been playing catch up with my writing. My goal this week is to at least reach 15K by this Friday. I am hoping for 20K is a good #writeclub Hail Mary attempt:)

So okay, maybe not curse you grad school. I do love you deep down in my heart. I just need to refocus myself so I can balance you and my writing.

How do you juggle your writing life and other things?