A Life Defining Break

Gee, has it really been since February!

All I can do is apologize and promise to try to do better (fingers crossed) with posting in the future.

I have been through many transitions since February. 9 to 5 job changes, side hustle changes, and just overall craziness with my life. In the midst of this I just honestly lost my mojo to write.

I think thisĀ time off was actually good for me. It forced me to take a break and reevaluate my own life. My life had actually gotten a little routine and frankly a little stale.

I am a young, married mother and have found that I had become more defined by my family (hubby and kids) and kind of lost touch with myself. Thus, when the opportunity arose to put back on my side hustle consulting hat, positivity resulted.

These past few weeks have seen me dress a little cuter, walk a little bit more confidently, and maybe kind of determine a direction for where I want to see my life go.

Have you ever had an eye-openingĀ (and much-needed) break? Discuss it in the comments below.